about Us

Our Story

Wearing a great time piece on your hand can not only make you feel good and confident but also give you a sense of pride and purpose. However, this feeling is no more affordable. To buy a watch with premium components, we usually shell a bomb out. Therefore, with our core values being affordability, luxury and exclusivity,  we have launched Wade Hutton.


We follow D2C model that allows us to bring the affordability factor to our premium, exclusive products. We are able to cut out the unnecessary middlemen such as retailers and distributors, who would make up the prices for their commissions.

Our Mission:-Rattle the watch industry by providing high quality minimalist watches as affordable luxury.

Details matter

Designed in Australia

A minimalist watch requires optimum design. A little less, or a little more, could make your timepiece unattractive! Keeping this in mind, we have meticulously designed our watch by gathering simple ideas, in terms of design & quality to give you the ultimate, timeless, timepiece.


Though we could produce in large numbers and save on bulk production. We want to make sure, quality of each timepiece is preserved. So,  we produce in small batches to maintain high standards of Wade Hutton time pieces. 

The best time to live your dream may have been 20 years ago, the second best time is, today!


When you are young, you come with fresh energy levels and a strong motivation to achieve your dreams of the present and the future times to come. One such strong desire is Wade Hutton. We are young and new, but we are here with an established purpose!